Sunline Siglon 8X Multi Color 600M / 660 Yards

Save $29.95

Size: PE 5.0 #80 Test
Sale price$79.95 Regular price$109.90


Get the famous Japan made Siglon 8x super braid you desire now in a smaller, 600M/660Y filler spool ( one spool not interconnected small spools so designed to fill a single reel).  Perfect size for an Ocea Jigger 2000 or Daiwa Saltiga 15/20 will fill it without too much waste at all.

Folks don't be mislead - Japan made means Japan made and don't buy into Japan fibers knitted in China - that's utter rubbish.  Sunline makes the world's best braid the #1 selling braid in Japan and the way its laid on the filler spool is equally important, it fills smoothly without "divers" and "risers" that cut and weaken the line during the spooling process.

If there was a better line on the market we would stock it.

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